Ask Magic Mirror an exciting question and get an answer to it. Magic Mirror is a game that helps you make a choice between two decisions - "yes" and "no". You can’t decide whether to go on a date, whether to change your hairstyle, whether I will find a million? Ask the Mirror and look at the answer. Sometimes the Mirror asks a question that will bring you closer to the answer. The mirror offers a solution. Accept it. And if you do not agree with this decision, it seems to you erroneous. Then make the opposite decision. The choice is yours. Only you are the captain of your life and determine where to sail, with whom to sail, on a boat or ... Choose. The answers were written by a qualified psychologist to make it easier for you to decide and understand what you really want. In the game, you can write to the psychologist and developers. If you want to talk to a psychologist about an exciting topic or report a bug, go to the settings and choose a convenient communication method. Remember, this is an entertainment application and does not guarantee the correct answer. The developers don’t take responsibility for how the user makes decisions in his life based on the answers of this application. You alone are responsible for the decisions you make